
IGK 2495 Energy Conversion Systems Intro Video

The international doctoral program IGK 2495 was established in 2019 with our partner institute, the Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, in order to better understand lead-free perovskite materials for electro- optical-mechanical energy conversion systems. Such alternative energy sources will become increasingly vital over the next decades, not only as sources of renewable energy but also for high-tech applications, such as powering unattended wireless sensors. Of particular importance is the improved understanding of multi-length scale phenomena responsible for the energy conversion, development and implementation of state-of-the-art lead-free perovskite materials, novel 2D and 3D processing techniques, and integration into devices. Various synthesis, manufacturing, and experimental techniques will be utilized and coupled to cutting edge simulations, facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration.

Information Flyer

In the third week of 2024, our PIs, Doctoral and Associated Researchers, from FAU and partner institute Nagoya Institute of Technology, got together at the Yearly School 2024 for two days in Bayreuth. This time, the Yearly School consisted of an inivited talk, poster presentations by our doctoral re...

Kategorie: Allgemein

On February 16, 2024, Xianyi Duan successfully defended her doctoral thesis - Reduction of Induced Electric Field in Human Body for Non-Radiative Wireless Power Transfer Systems. Her evaluators were Prof. Akimasa Hirata from NITech and Prof. Takashi Hikage from the Hokkaido University. Congratula...

Kategorie: Allgemein

Between 10 and 15 December 2023, doctoral researcher Hongyi Deng and his PI Dr. Maria Rita Cicconi from Project G travelled to Japan to visit our partner institution Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) and synchrotron radiation facility SPring8. They were accompanied by associated post-doctoral ...

Kategorie: Allgemein