Joint Doctoral Degree and 10 years Liaison Office

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Since 2022, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech), Japan have worked on developing a joint doctoral program (JDP) that allows both FAU and NITech doctoral researchers to obtain a bi-national doctoral degree following the Cotutelle de Thèse model jointly from both universities. This JDP is a major milestone in the partnership between FAU and NITech and clearly demonstrates the continued commitment of both institutes to the scientific exchange. This could have not been done without the establishment of the International Research Training Group IGK 2495 Energy Conversion Systems that was launched in January 2020.

In addition to that, FAU and NITech also celebrate 10 years after the establishment of the Liaison Office in 2013. The office serves as a catalyst to enhance international cooperation in education and research and improve the operational network between FAU and NITech.

The long partnership, establishement of the JDP and 10 years of Liaison Office were celebrated and recognized at this years FAU Day of the Faculty of Engineering by the dean. In name of NITech, IGK 2495 doctoral researcher Takahito Otsuka (Project G) accepted a present given to him by the FAU dean Prof. Kai Willner. Takahito has been staying at FAU for 10 months within the IGK 2495 programme.