Researcher Highlight – Andre Sommer from Project B

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Working on simulation codes

We hope to give a better insight to the program by introducing our PhD students. We ask them about their research and how they became a member of our IRTG. This time we would like to introduce you to Hongyi Deng who is working in our Project B – Excitation-Conforming, Shape-Adaptive Mechano-Electrical Energy Conversion:

 Where do you come from, and how did you become a part of the IRTG program?
I come from a small town near Nuremberg and I got the hint about the PhD position from a professor at my former university.

 Why were you interested in this IRTG program?
Since my master’s thesis was not in the same field, I could not continue my work. In fact, the research program and Project B is a new topic for me, but with great potential to learn new things. The last point was the reason why I applied for the IRTG program. So my goal is to deepen my knowledge in mechanics and simulation methods.

Tell us a little bit about your current research for the IRTG.
My work focuses on the structural design of energy harvesters. For this purpose, I am investigating truss- and frame-networks, the goal being the optimization of such structures. Currently, I am working on the simulation program.

What are you looking forward to most during your research stay in Japan?
Especially to learn new things during the research stay. I am also looking forward to using the well-organized Japanese public transportation.

 What is one goal in your life?
In addition to my work as a doctoral student, I am also a volunteer firefighter and work on our own farm. Therefore, in addition to completing my doctorate, it is a goal to expand my knowledge in the field of firefighting and agriculture.